As of writing this, the website isn't actually finished: I still need to set-up the 'Links' and 'Projects' pages. However, I'm super eager to start the blog-thing, so I'm just gonna do it now!
Welcome to the website! I plan to use this page to document my many random creative ventures, as well as share my thoughts and feelings on them. I want this part of the site to be a blog of sorts: a space to babble about anything on my mind that I feel like sharing to the world.
I don't know how often I'm going to be posting here-- I'm not gonna set myself some strict time schedule to follow-- I just want this place to be an insight into my whacky mind.
For the longest time now, it's felt like my creative output has been held back and limited, and the main reason for this is ANALYTICS. For many years now YouTube has been my primary place of showing off my creative work, and I love YouTube (I've been making videos there for over ten years now). However, I'm really not a big fan of the whole 'numbers' side of it. I've fell into this unhealthy thought-pattern where I judge the worth of my creative productions by YouTube metrics-- If something I make doesn't get many views or likes it scares me and makes me think I need to do something else.
And even if I upload a video that does do well, I still get this anxious feeling that the next one won't do as well. And then my '2021 YouTube Algorithm' brain starts telling me that if the next one doesn't do as well then YouTube's going to stop showing my future videos to people, thus making any creative project I make in the future completely unviewable.
As well as this, my creative interests are completely volatile: I'll have a period of being really eager to make one specific style of video. But then, after maybe one or two uploads, I'll get bored and will want to try something new.
Youtube doesn't like this. Almost every creator on the site says "consistency is key"...
I can't do consistency.
Even more, my passion to make YouTube videos themselves is also volatile: One day I might wake up and decide that I really want to make more videos and start livestreaming regularly, but after a couple of uploads I might then decide that I've got other projects that I'm more passionate about.
I really struggle to focus on a single medium. As much as I wish I could just focus on one thing, hone in on it and make the best things possible, that's not how my brain works. There's too many things I want to try, and the more I think about all these things, the more my brain starts to feel all frazzled and about to explode.
That's why I have created this page: A space free of metrics; A space completely designed by me, for me; A space to show off every single project and creative idea I may have, no matter how different it may be from the last.
As much as I wish I wasn't, I am a man of systems. Systems put my brain at ease. It's why I now have multiple YouTube channels, with each channel having their own style of content (so new styles of videos dont affect the reach of previous ones).
YouTube likes categories, I don't! I find it really tough to categorise all of the different projects I work on.
That's why I needed my own website: my own system of creative work; my own ordered chaos!
I can't wait to get started!.
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and feel inspired and excited to achieve your creative dreams! :D
-joe bh